About Us

Teslord provides expert-created, Tesla content for 100s of users like you every day. Our library of content helps you improve your Tesla and make it work and look better each time you drive it. Your Tesla is where you spend a lot of your time so you’re bound to have issues with your Tesla from time to time.

Our aim is to provide you with easy to understand and engaging material in order to help you apply the information you’re given so that your vehicle can be the best it can.


Any piece of content that’s published by Teslord is written by an author who’s an expert on the topic to ensure that you get accurate information.

If any services or products are being recommended, the author has had experience with that service/product so you’ll never be using anything that isn’t of good quality.

Contributors and/or Teslord may receive compensation for participation in third-party affiliate marketing programs, including purchases made through links to Teslord e-commerce partners, if any.

Teslord is also credited for a sale as soon as you land on a page with display advertisements.

Here’s the advertising disclosure.

The Director, Manager & Editor

Ike is the owner of Teslord.com. He oversees the content output, manages the team of writers, and directs the trajectory of the company.

He’s been running Teslord for a few months now and has built expert knowledge around Teslas and everything to do with it, even prior to this.

As a business owner with other businesses such as Techzillo.com, Homebli.com and Growsteep.com, he knows some business fundamentals that help Teslord continue to grow such as an outstanding product that’s better than everything else out there (our content), a great team that makes sure content is kept up to date, factual, unique and extremely helpful.


Teslord’s editor, Ike makes sure that all the content that’s outputted is fact-checked to ensure that readers are getting nothing but the truth. We care about fact-checking as we want to ensure that our content has integrity.

Ike has expert knowledge surrounding off-roading and knows how to navigate the web to make sure that everything written in the content is fact-checked. We ensure stats have evidence to back them up and wherever they’ve been sourced from, they’ve been checked to make sure they’re up to date.

Editorial Guidelines

All the content we publish is edited before to make sure they’re kept to standard. During editing, the content is checked for readability, formatting, spelling, grammar, foul language, imagery, and photo quality.

Our guides are continuously updated and we follow strict guidelines to make sure that each piece of content is kept to the highest quality possible.

If you ever come across a piece of content you think needs to be improved, please comment or email us at [email protected] and let us know.


At Teslord, we want to provide, useful content and original content. All information is verified and properly referenced, and may not infringe the copyright or anyone’s intellectual property rights.

Any plagiarism identified during the editorial process is investigated and is grounds for firing. We expect all writers to stick to strict laws, standards, and journalistic practices including:

Content Integrity

We are committed to the quality and trustworthiness of our content and editorial processes. Our team of writers, editors, fact-checkers, illustrators, photographers, and medical and financial professionals rigorously researches and reviews all content on an ongoing basis to ensure it is up to date, accurate, and puts the needs of our readers first.

We want to make sure that our content is trustworthy during the editorial process. All content is continuously being updated and we make sure that each article has a byline that includes the name, links to other articles that could provide more information, a modified date, and sometimes a video.

Original images are sometimes used but when it comes to specific errors or instances we might struggle to generate in real-time to take a picture or screenshot, although we know how to help users with that problem, we might source an image from the web.

About Techzillo LTD

The Techzillo LTD company was incorporated in late 2018. It’s been trading for over 3 years now and continues to do so as long as brands underneath the Techzillo LTD continue to perform well.

Contact Us

Do you have something you’d like to let us know? Whether you have a comment or an idea to share, we look forward to hearing from you: [email protected].

Write for Us

We’re always looking for experienced freelance technology writers who share our passion for creating content that leaves readers feeling educated, empowered, and understood. Interested?

Email: [email protected]