One error that you might be running into is that your Tesla is saying “Charging error no power.” This can be a scary error to run into because these are the things you need most for your Tesla, power, and to charge your Tesla.
In this guide, I will be going over why you are seeing this error message and the main reasons this error could be popping up. I will also be going over the ways you can fix this issue yourself without contacting the customer support team.
Why Does Tesla Say Charging Error No Power?
When seeing the message on your Tesla saying “charging error no power,” can be stressful and is one of the last things you want to see. Do not worry this could be a small issue that is easy to fix, or it could be an issue that can be fixed by the Tesla Service Center.
I will be going over the reasons that are the most common, it could be a communication error between the Wall Connector and your Tesla.
It could even be an issue with the circuit breaker you are using for your Wall Connector. Maybe you just need to do an update on your Tesla software, or it could be a defective Onboard Charger or Supercharger.
There are many difficulties that could be encountered with your Tesla; however, we have an article that covers replacing your 12v battery. Below I will be going over these issues and ways you can solve them.
1. Communication Error Between the Wall Connector and Vehicle
One reason that you are seeing the message, “charging error no power,” could be a communication error between the Wall Connector and your Tesla. This can send the message to your Tesla that it is unable to charge.
When you are having issues with the Wall Connector it could be for a few reasons, it could just be a communication error and all you need to do is unplug the Wall Connector, wait a few seconds, and plug it back in. It could be a faulty Wall Connector and it may need to be looked at by a professional.
Fix – Disconnect/Reconnect Wall Connector From Your Tesla
As stated above the reason you may be seeing this error message could be because of a communication error between the Wall Connector and your Tesla.
When this is happening try charging your Tesla again. Unplug the Wall Connector from your Tesla, and wait a few minutes before you plug the Wall Connector back into your Tesla. See if your Tesla charges and you no longer see the message.
If this does not work this can be a hardware issue, an issue that should be looked at by a professional. Before you call a professional there are a few things you can do to see if this solves the issue.
2. Issue With Circuit Breaker
If you think the issue is with your Wall Connector it could be an issue with the power outlet you are using and the circuit breaker. This can be an easy fix that can save you from having to hire a professional.
Since charging your Tesla takes a good amount of power and if you have other devices plugged into that outlet it could be triggering your Circuit Breaker and prevent you from being able to charge your Tesla. If you notice that your other devices are not working or charging as well this is a good sign that it is your Circuit Breaker.
Fix – Turn Circuit Breaker On/Off
When the issue is with your Circuit Breaker make sure that you unplug your Tesla from the Wall Connector before you turn your Circuit Breaker off and back on.
Once you have switched your Circuit Breaker off, wait a few minutes before you turn your Circuit Breaker back on again. If this does not work try using another outlet or another Wall Connector, you can even use a Mobile Connector, to see if your Tesla will charge with those.
If it does charge with another Wall Connector or the Mobile Connector this means that the issue is not with your Tesla. If using another charging option and your Tesla is still showing the error message then the issue could be with your Tesla.
3. Defective Onboard Charger
Another common reason why your Tesla is showing a charging error message could be a defective Onboard Charger.
The Onboard Charger on your Tesla converts the AC power from the charging station into DC electricity that can be stored in your Tesla battery. This means that if you are having issues with your Onboard Charger this can prevent your Tesla from charging and can be why you are seeing this message.
You can check to see if you noticed any damage done to the Onboard Charger but it is best advised that you take your Tesla to a Tesla Service Center to get it looked at.
Fix – Check For Damage on Onboard Charger/Schedule an Appointment With Tesla Service Center
If you suspect that the issue behind the charging error message you are seeing could be an issue with your Onboard Charger. You can check your Tesla over to see if there is any damage to your Tesla, either the Onboard Charger is damaged or it could be loose wires, dirt, and debris that could be causing the issue.
Whatever the reason may be if you suspect that your Onboard Charger is defective then contact the Tesla Service Center and schedule a service appointment. It is best to leave this issue to the professionals.
4. Outdated Charging Software
Have you checked for any updates on your Tesla? If your charging software is out of date this could be the reason behind the error message you are seeing. Like all devices bugs/glitches can happen, which can also cause issues to your Tesla.
These updates are little fixes for these bugs/glitches and keeping your Tesla updated can help keep your vehicle working at its best. There is a reason behind these updates, it is the tech team noticing the error that can occur with the Tesla and creating an update to fix these errors.
Fix – Update Your Charging Software
If you are seeing the message, “charging error no power,” check to see if there is any software update available. This issue can be due to a bug/glitch with your charging software, an issue that an update may fix.
Look into the software setting on your Tesla to see if there are any software updates that you need to do. If there is an update then follow the on-screen instructions to complete the update. Once the update is complete check to see if the error message is still appearing.
If you do not see the message, try charging your Tesla again to see if it works, if it still is not charging you may need to see if the issue is with the battery.
5. Faulty Battery
Have you considered the issue with your Tesla battery? If your Tesla is not being able to charge and saying your Tesla has no power check to see if your Battery is faulty. This can happen like all cars, the battery can go bad after some time.
Even basic wear and tear on your battery can cause the battery to be faulty. Since the Tesla is an electric car the battery is the main source of power, without a good battery this can prevent your Tesla from having power. Even if your battery is not dead it can still be faulty having a faulty or low quality which can prevent the battery from holding power.
Fix – Schedule an Appointment With Tesla Service Center and Replace Battery
Is the issue with your Tesla not being able to charge and having no power, your Tesla’s battery? If you believe that your Tesla’s battery is faulty the only thing you can do is call the Tesla Service Center or a place that knows how to work on Tesla and schedule an appointment.
You may have to purchase a new battery for your Tesla to solve the issue. Do not attempt to replace the battery on your Tesla on your own like with most parts on your Tesla it is best to leave this to the professionals.
My Final Thoughts
In conclusion, if you are having an issue with your Tesla not charging and having no power the main reason could be your Wall Connector or the Circuit Breaker that your Wall Connector is connected to. Make sure to check for any updates because this issue can be a bug/glitch that is in your Tesla and an update can solve this problem.
At any point you are not sure what to do about this problem, do not be afraid to contact the Tesla Customer Service team. They can direct you in the right direction on what to do next.
You may have to schedule an appointment with your nearest Tesla Service Center or a shop that knows how to work on a Tesla.