Charging your Tesla is literally when it makes your Tesla work, there are a few alerts that can appear on your Tesla. One of these alerts is if your Tesla’s Mobile Connector or Adaptor is over the temperature limit. When this message appears you should stop charging your Tesla right away and locate what is overheating.
I will probably tell you that several times throughout this guide, the reason being that if it is your outlet that is overheating this can cause serious damage to your home, even a house fire.
This is why you should not take this alert lightly, having devices overheat can cause a lot of damage. In this guide, I will be going over reasons why your Tesla is saying that the Mobile Connector or Adaptor is over the temperature limit.
Why Does Tesla Say Mobile Connector or Adaptor Over Temperature Limit?
The reason why you are seeing the message that your Tesla Mobile Connector or Adaptor is over Temperature Limit is something is overheating. This could be the Mobile Connector or Adaptor that is overheating, and it can also be the outlet that you are using to charge your Tesla.
This is why when this message is popping up on your Tesla you should stop charging your Tesla immediately and locate where the overheating is happening. Look over every cord, and the outlet for any melting, or burn marks. Read below to see what you can do when this message appears on your Tesla.
1. Overheating Issue
The first thing to look at when you see the alert on your Tesla saying that your Mobile Connector or Adaptor is over the temperature limit is what is causing this overheat. When you are seeing this alert this means that something is overheating when you are trying to charge your Tesla.
This could be the mobile connector, adaptor, or even the wall outlet that you are using. When this alert appears, this is warning you before there is melting, or in the worst case scenario a fire. So when this alert appears this is something that you should not take lightly and locate what is overheating.
Fix – Locate Where the Overheating Is
When you see this alert appear on your Tesla you will need to find what is overheating as soon as possible. First stop charging your Tesla right away, you do not want to cause any further damage.
Check over the Mobile Connector and Adaptor, if you notice any black marks and burn damage on any of the cords this will show you what is overheating. Check the wall outlet that you are connecting the Adapter to, if you see any black marks are melting damage you should not be using that outlet.
2. Mobile Connector or Adaptor is Overheating
Now that you are located where the overheating is, it is the Mobile Connector or Adapter that you are using. How you can tell is by seeing signs of melting, or burn marks. Stop using this Mobile Connector or Adapter the moment you notice that it is overheating.
There is obviously an issue with the Mobile Connector or Adapter that is causing it to overheat and this is why you are seeing this alert pop up on your Tesla. Like most devices overheating can happen, it could even be due to the hot weather in your area plus the heat of your vehicle.
Fix – Check For Any Damage on Mobile Connector or Adaptor/Replace Mobile Connector or Adaptor
As mentioned above you will need to locate where the overheating is located. If the Mobile Connector or Adaptor is what is overheating, you can tell by the damage on the Mobile Connector or the Adaptor.
You will notice any melting of the cords or any black marks. Hopefully, there is no fire, that would be the worst-case scenario and why you should stop charging your Tesla immediately after getting that alert.
Do not use the Mobile Connector or the Adaptor if you notice any damage like melting or black marks.
The best thing you can do is replace the Mobile Connector that you are using or the Adaptor. This may prevent any further overheating while you are charging your Tesla.
3. Issue With the Outlet
Now when you are checking over to see what is overheating if it is not the Mobile Connector or Adaptor it may be the outlet that you are using to charge your Tesla. The outlet can overheat when it is experiencing too much power for it to handle. This is very dangerous, if your outlet overheats it can cause a house fire.
That is why it is very important to stop charging the moment the alert appears on your Tesla. If you notice that there is a black mark around the outlet this is a sign that your outlet is overheating when being used.
Fix – Call an Electrician
If the reason behind your Tesla is alerting you that the Mobile Connector or Adapter is over the temperature limit, is the outlet you are using to charge your Tesla.
The first thing you should do is stop using that outlet and check to see if it caused any damage to your Mobile Connector or Adaptor.
Call an electrician to come to repair the outlet that is overheating. This is something that should be fixed right away, a faulty outlet can cause damage to your home or even a house fire.
If the outlet causes damage to your Mobile Connector or Adaptor due to overheating. Replace the Mobile Connector or Adaptor with a new one. You should not use any damaged charging devices to charge your Tesla.
4. Loose/Damaged Outlet Wires
The reason why your outlet is overheating could be due to loose or damaged wires. Having loose or damaged wires can cause melting when they overheat due to having more power than they can handle.
Maybe you have not used this outlet in a while so it is not used to that much power, or something causes the wires connected to that outlet to either be loose or damaged. When this is the case there is not much you can do on your part unless you are familiar with the wiring of your home.
Fix – Use Another Outlets/Contact an Electrician
When you are seeing this alert on your Tesla stop charging your Tesla immediately, if the overheating is with the outlet that you are using this can do damage to not only your Tesla but to your home as well.
This is why it is important to stop charging your Tesla and locate what is overheating. If it is the outlet and there is no damage to your Mobile Connector or Adaptor use another outlet in your home. Make sure that this outlet is not connected to the same circuit breaker as the outlet that keeps overheating.
Now once you have located the issue and it is with an outlet in your home, call an electrician to fix the outlet. Make sure you do not use that outlet for anything, you should switch the circuit breaker off until that outlet is repaired.
If you can not switch the circuit breaker off, then make sure you do not use that outlet and keep an eye out on it to see if there is any further burn damage.
5. Faulty Mobile Connector or Adapter
Have you considered that the reason is due to a faulty Mobile Connector or Adaptor? Now of course if there is damage due to the overheating, but what if the reason why you are seeing this alert is because of a faulty Mobile Connector or Adaptor?
There might not even be any overheating and this alert could be happening because you are charging your Tesla with a faulty Mobile Connector or Adapter. It could also be overheating because of that same reason.
Always check the outlet that you are charging your Tesla with to see if that is not overheating. If the issue is not the outlet, the issue is most likely a faulty Mobile Connector or Adaptor.
Fix – Contact Tesla Customer Service/Replace Mobile Connector or Adaptor
Contact the Tesla Customer Service when you are seeing this alert and it is due to a faulty Mobile Connector or Adaptor. This may be under warranty or there could be something else that you can check that is the cause of this message.
Most likely they will advise you to replace the Mobile Connector or Adaptor, especially if the issue is not with the outlet.
If the Mobile Connector or Adaptor is faulty the best option is to replace it with a new one. Having a faulty Mobile Connector or Adapter can cause overheating when you are charging your Tesla. Check to see if this could be covered under your warranty, if not then purchase a new Mobile Connector or Adaptor.
As previously stated throughout this guide when this alert appears you should stop charging your Tesla. Go over every cord you are using to charge your Tesla and the outlet that you are using.
There would be noticeable damage to the cords and/or outlet. Such as signs of melting or black burn marks.
If you see this around the Mobile Connector or Adaptor you should replace these devices, if the overheating is with the outlet call an electrician to repair the outlet. At any moment you need addiction help contact the Tesla Customer Service.