Tesla Walk Away Lock Not Working? this fix worked!

Tesla Walk Away Lock Not WorkinG

At times, the walk-away lock doesn’t work as intended. If you experience this issue, it’s essential to understand the potential causes of the problem and take imperative action to resolve it. This article discusses major reasons for Tesla walk-away lock not working and how you can fix the issue.

Reasons for Tesla Walk Away Lock Not Working

Reason 1: Firmware issues

The most common cause of your Tesla walk away lock feature not working is due to firmware issues.

Firmware is a built-in software that controls the functioning of your Tesla walk-away lock. Firmware updates are released periodically to keep your Tesla walk-away lock compatible, functional, and secure with new features.

However, at times, things can go wrong and trigger your firmware update to fail, leaving your Tesla walk-away lock in an unusable or corrupted state.

For instance, a mismatched protocol, a corrupted file, poor Wi-Fi signal, power interruptions, a faulty cable, and hardware wear and tear are some of the issues that can cause firmware update failures. Even corrupted or outdated firmware and software bugs in the firmware itself can cause the Tesla walk-away lock to misbehave.

How to fix: update firmware

To resolve firmware-related issues, begin by checking if there are any updates available for your Tesla mobile app.

  1. If there is any update, click on the Software Update. Your car will update itself. With the latest firmware installed, your Tesla walk-away lock auto-lock should be back on track and working as expected.
  2. You can also install the firmware update from your car’s touchscreen. Go to Controls > Software > Software update. Then, click on Install Now. After that, the software will get installed.

Reason 2: Internal system error

An internal system error could be another cause of your Tesla door not working with the walk-away lock. The system in your car might fail to send signals that can cause the walk-away lock to not function.

In other words, you may be unable to lock or unlock your car using the walk-away lock feature because of an outage of Tesla’s servers.

You’ll know that your car is experiencing an internal system error when your Tesla app is displaying a “500 server error” while trying to communicate with the vehicle.

This outage may prevent you using the walk-away lock feature to lock or get into the vehicle. You also might not be able to access your vehicle or unlock it through the app. Sometimes, the app may report an incorrect location of your vehicle. These are common tech issues indicating that your car’s internal servers have gone offline, causing malfunctions.

How to fix: reboot the car

  1. Reboot the car’s infotainment system. To reboot, hold down the two scroll wheels on the steering wheel until the touchscreen goes black and restarts.
  2. If the issue persists, conduct a factory reset to the car. This will help to clear out bugs or issues affecting the car system.

Reason 3: Faulty driver’s seat sensor

Another issue that can cause your walk-away locks not working is when the driver-side seat sensor becomes faulty. When this happens mirrors, lights, and the AC don’t go off even if you lock the vehicle.

The walk-away lock feature relies on the sensor to detect if somebody is still inside the vehicle.

A malfunctioning seat belt sensor can trigger a false alarm that somebody is still sitting in the front seat, when there isn’t anyone there. This will prevent the walk-away to lock your car when you walk away.

Sometimes, driver-side seat belt sensors or driver settings can disable the walk-away locking feature.

How to fix: contact Tesla customer service

  • If you suspect that driver settings or driver seat belt sensors are faulty, check for any error messages on your Tesla app or your vehicle’s touchscreen.
  • If you confirm that driver settings or driver seat belt sensors are faulty, contact Tesla service center or a professional mechanic to replace the malfunctioning components.
  • The repair isn’t easy, that is why it requires assistance from an expert (Tesla Service Center).

Reason 4: Wrong settings in Tesla app

Sometimes the user’s fault is to blame for the walk-away door lock not working.

If you don’t give permission to some settings, the walk-away door lock won’t not operate. Your walk-away feature normally works under the right settings.

However, The Tesla auto locking problems normally happen due to user error. Typically, user error is more likely if you’ve recently upgraded the car’s software or changed any settings on the vehicle.

Sometimes, you unintentionally turn off the walk-away locking feature in your car’s touchscreen settings. This means that the walk-away lock won’t function.

Furthermore, if you don’t set up the mobile data, location, and Bluetooth options in the Tesla App’s settings, the walk-away lock won’t function.

How to fix: enable correct settings

  1. Activate the walk-away door lock feature. To turn this feature ON, on your car’s dashboard, touch Controls > Locks > Walk-Away Door Lock.
  2. Turn ON Bluetooth settings. Locate the Bluetooth icon at the top of the Controls screen and turn it ON. Also, turn ON Bluetooth in your phone’s settings for the Tesla mobile app.
  3. Set the Location to Always. Open the Tesla mobile app in your phone’s settings and click “Location.” After that, set it “Always” ON.
  4. Also, turn ON background app refresh on your phone. This enables your tesla app to perform its functions in the background.
  5. Also, activate mobile or cellular data. Turn ON mobile access in your car’s touchscreen (controls > safety > allow mobile access).

Reason 5: Phone key or key fob left inside the car

Another issue that might cause your Tesla walk-away lock not functioning is your phone key or key fob.

If you leave your phone key or key fob inside your vehicle, the vehicle won’t lock itself when you walk away.

This happens because the car’s sensors detect the presence of the key and assume that somebody is still inside the vehicle. As a result, the walk-away lock won’t function. It’s a safety feature that prevents you from getting locked out of the vehicle accidentally.

How to fix: Check for phone key inside the car

  1. Check if you have left your phone key or key fob inside the vehicle, either unintentionally or intentionally.
  2. In case, you leave the key inside the car, remove it from the vehicle and try walking away again. The vehicle should lock itself automatically.

Reason 6: Bluetooth connection issue

The walk-away lock feature relies on the Bluetooth connection between the vehicle and your phone key.

Any problem facing the Bluetooth connection (like a firmware bug, a weak signal, or an interference) might make your vehicle unable to communicate with your phone key and not lock itself when you walk away.

Bluetooth is a fantastic feature that connects to your car’s infotainment system wirelessly and enables you to place and receive phone calls without holding the phone at hand.

If your car Bluetooth connection is experiencing problems, it won’t work properly. As a result, the walk-away lock would stop functioning.

Your car’s Bluetooth system depends on software to function. If your car’s software isn’t up-to-date, it could cause Bluetooth connectivity issues.

At times, there could be compatibility issues between your car’s system and your phone’s Bluetooth system, especially if they’re different models. Also sometimes, too many connected devices can interfere with the Bluetooth connection.

These Bluetooth connection issues affect the functionality of the walk-away lock feature.

How to fix: Disable Wi-Fi and battery optimization on your phone

Disable battery optimization on your smartphone. Battery optimization may cause interference with the Bluetooth connection between your car and your phone key. To disable battery optimization, go to your phone settings and find the option to turn it OFF for the Tesla app.

Also, disable Wi-Fi from your phone. Wi-Fi connection may interfere with the Bluetooth signal or cause your smartphone to switch networks when you walk away from your vehicle. To disable Wi-Fi, go to your phone settings, and turn OFF the Wi-Fi.

Try to eliminate potential sources of interference with Bluetooth connection.

Check with Tesla’s guidelines to ensure compatibility.

Always ensure that your phone’s operating system and your car’s system software are updated to the latest versions.

My Final Thoughts

Tesla walk-away lock not functioning is a common issue that can affect the convenience and security of your vehicle.

It can be annoying when your car’s walk-away lock feature malfunctions. But with the above-mentioned troubleshooting solutions, you can fix the problem.

If none of the above steps work for you, contact Tesla customer support for diagnosis and repair.

Brady Klinger-Meyers is an experienced writer and marketer with who currently writes for Teslord as well as other popular sites like MakeUseOf and Techzillo. At Teslords, he focuses on general Tesla advice with his interest being accessories and gadgets. Read our Editorial Guidelines and Fact Checking process.


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